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Guidelines on How to Web-enable Your ADABAS Data
By Using Existing Natural Programs

By Dieter W. Storr

Last update: 10 June 2004

Before you discuss and compare products to present your ADABAS data to the Web, it is helpful to know about the different ways, methods and technologies to distribute data from the mainframe to the OPEN system architecture and vice versa.

What do you want to use? Screen scraping or middleware? Messaging or brokering? Every method has its own products. Do you want a dialog or an asynchronous process? Asynchronous processes use queues and require high maintenance.

Do you have a TP monitor with multiple TCB capabilities? Be aware that one message oriented middleware (MOM) solution has problems with this.

Would you like to separate the presentation layer from the business logic and data access in your Natural programs and use existing programs or would you like to write new componentized Natural programs for web functions?

If you use MOM products your system programmers may have to write many front-end programs to control, distribute, and observe the messages. Do all methods support your existing security software, for example userid's and passwords? This presentation will give you overviews about the various methods in detail, explain the different approaches with examples, and will also discuss the pros and cons of each.

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