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Last update: 6 February 2009

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Software AG and SAGGROUP History
- ADABAS: Software AG in the Press - 1972
- ADABAS Newsletters - 1975-1979
- Software AG International Users' Group Newsletter - 1979-1984
- Software AG Connections - 1985-1990
NATURAL Conference in Boston
The Natural Conference is a 4-day extensive learning experience that includes a pre-conference training day, daily presentations, exhibitor hall, demos, networking, roundtables, and evening events.
Meristem Systems Corporation
Presents workshops in ADABAS, NATURAL, NATURAL CONSTRUCT and PREDICT to clients across the nation and around the world. Any workshop may be customized to your specific training needs and skill levels.
Their publishing division, WH&O International, distributes soft-bound books on a wide range of topics from study guide and handbooks to tips and techniques in all four disciplines: ADABAS, NATURAL, NATURAL CONSTRUCT and PREDICT.
Software AG User Group - North America
The Software AG User Group (SAGGroup) is intended to be a forum for the free interchange of information about Software AG products throughout North America.

Software AG
User Group

The Software AG User Group Austria is an independent registered society and is intended to be a forum for networking, communication and interchange of experience. It also represents the interests of users of Software AG products.

SAG Products

Communicate with developers, technical support -- solve problems online
Stay connected with your peers - developers, consultants, integrators and business analysts from around the world - by joining the Adabas and Natural Developer Network.
S.L. Robinson & Associates, Inc.
We have been presenting customized Adabas and Natural classes since the products were released (1974 and 1978 respectively). Our client list includes over 100 companies worldwide. We have published Inside Natural since 1990. This is the only newsletter in the world dedicated to Natural programming. We developed Simply Natural, a complement to Natural's own help facility and the basis for a forthcoming computer based training program.
LEN Consulting LLC
supports users of Software AG's flagship products, Natural® and Adabas®, through system development and training services.
ZZUtils is a set of utilities designed to improve the productivity of Natural developers by complementing Natural's feature-rich toolset.
ML Software
  • Dynamic File Access (light software free of charge)
    Dynamic File Access (DFA) is an on-line utility tool that gives the user/programmer immediate access to any Adabas file he wishes to access dynamically. With DFA the user can view, update, add and delete records in an expedient manner depending on his security.
  • File-Reorg: The Ultimate ADABAS File Reorganization Tool (light utility free of charge
    File-Reorg is an ADABAS utility that allows to make major file definition changes to a physical ADABAS file without loosing any data, and in a short period of time. With File-Reorg, adding new fields to a physical file, or removing fields, can be a very easy and safe task.
2006: ML Software is going to charge the full price of $22,000 for DFA license of up to 25 users. Currently they wave that license fee, and will only charge the yearly maintenance fee that is currently stands at $3100.
NatWorks, Inc.
NatWorks' mission is to provide native solutions to the problems of ADABAS Data Extraction, Change Data Capture, and the transformation of ADABAS data into XML with XSL.
NatWorks' products solve Data Extraction and Change Data Capture from ADABAS in a manner that is non-invasive, cost-effective, efficient, and simply makes sense.
innoWake gmbh
Your partner for transitioning from legacy systems to the latest technologies. We offer efficient solutions to integrate and migrate mainframe and host systems using new and proven developments in information technology.
Our products are highly specalized yet practical pieces of software that have been developed in close conjunction with our customers. Our main focus has been on uniting the Java and the Natural worlds, bridging a tremendous gap.
natclipse received overwhelming response at the Natural Conference in Boston 2005.


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Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter
Since January 1991 Cheryl Watson has filled over 3000 pages with her unique style of practical and impartial OS/390 and MVS tuning and measurement advice. Today over 9000 analysts in fifty countries read Cheryl Watson's TUNING Letter.
Cheryl's Tuning Letter


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Dieter's Hobby