International User Groups
From May 7th to May 11th, 190 (133 last year) participants from 90 (64) companies and 22 (17) countries met in Berlin, Germany, for the 2012 conference of Software AG’s International User Groups (IUG).
Participants came from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and USA.
During the week-long event, participants attended product sessions, Software AG and customer presentations, meet-the-expert sessions, and highly popular customer-to-customer workshops. The exchange of experiences and knowledge at this event inspire participants to apply lessons learned in their daily activities and take them back to their local groups. The attendees made ample use of the opportunity to network and share and discuss ideas with other Software AG customers.
As in the past, we started the week of conferences with the Adabas and Natural sessions on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, we held a general session followed by parallel tracks for ARIS and webMethods on Thursday and Friday. All sessions were very well attended.
- General Sessions
- International Adabas User Group
- International Natural User Group
- International ARIS User Group
- International webMethods User Group
The feedback Software AG received from participating IUG members was again very positive.
The User Groups and Software AG are looking forward to another successful conference in 2013.
All presentations are available at Software AG.
Please send e-mail to
General Presentations
- TOP-01_Company_Presentation_Rohland.pdf
- TOP-02_Secure_Software_Engineering_Henkel.pdf
- TOP-03_Premium_Support_Services_Raikar.pdf
- TOP-05_University-relations_Powik (prezi.exe)
- More info about -- zoom your presentations
Adabas Presentations
- TOP-01_Adabas_Roadmap_Future.pdf
- TOP-02_Accessing_Adabas_Power.pdf
- TOP-03_Data_Masking_Weiss.pdf
- TOP-04_Replication-LUW_Weiss.pdf
- TOP-05_Adabas-windows-experiences_Storr.pdf
- TOP-06_Client_Add_ons_Herrmann.pdf
- TOP-07_AdaNatStrategy_Falkenberg.pdf
- TOP-08_University_Hof_Goebel.pdf
- TOP-09_zIIP_Print_Siffring.pdf
- TOP-10_ADAC_Backout_Wunderlich.pdf
- TOP-11_Global_Support_Bassat.pdf
ARIS Presentations
- TOP-01_ARIS_Roadmap_Hess.pdf
- TOP-02_M2E_Simon.pdf
- TOP-03_UPI_Vanderhaeghen.pdf
- TOP-04_TECHcommunity_Schneider.pdf
- TOP-05_Enterprise_Architecture_Statoil_Storo.pdf
- TOP-06_in Construction_Binder.pdf
- TOP-07_Strategic_Business_Approach_Gustafsson.pdf
- TOP-08_RollIn_Brabaender.pdf
Natural Presentations
- TOP-01_NaturalONE and Product Releases_Kronauer.pdf
- TOP-02_Mobile_Apps_Pathak.pdf
- TOP-03_NaturalEngineer_James.pdf
- TOP-04_NatUnit_Macke.pdf
- TOP-05_ESM_Ross.pdf
- TOP-06_Documents_with_Natural_Brandner.pdf
- TOP-07_NaturalONE_at_OFIT_Wohl.pdf
- TOP-08_EntireX_Siffring.pdf
- TOP-09_Idea_to_Feature_Release_Kronauer.pdf
webMethods Presentations
- TOP-01_Roadmap_Rohland.pdf
- TOP-02_M2E_Simon.pdf
- TOP-03_ERP_Centric_Integration_Wilson.pdf
- TOP-05_TECHcommunity_Schneider.pdf
- TOP-06_MDM_Heywood.pdf
- TOP-07_BPA_Automated_Process_Lindemann.pdf
- TOP-08_CrossVistaTEAM_Lee.pdf
- TOP-09_Nirvana_Heywood.pdf
- TOP-11_Integration_Server_OeNB_Jagenbrein.pdf
- TOP-12_Braintribe_Scheuer.pdf
- TOP-14_New technologies_Heywood.pdf
- TOP-15_webMethods_Education_Reichelt.pdf
- No TOP04, TOP10, and TOP13
General Information
- GCS-CSM_FS_Jan12.pdf
- GCS-GoLive_FS_Jan12.pdf
- PremSprtServices_FS_Jan12.pdf
- PSS-AdaNat_FS_Sep11.pdf
- SAG_TechCommunities_FS_Nov11-print.pdf
- SAG_zIIP_Enabler_FS_May12_print.pdf
- Call Software AG to receive the complete list of the attendees
- SoftwareAG_UniversityRelationsProgram_de.pdf
- SoftwareAG_UniversityRelationsProgram_en.pdf
Bernd Gudat
Dieter Storr